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Modern Warfare 3 Gentlemen’s Agreement list and official ruleset

November 10, 2023 3:25 AM

Modern Warfare 3 is here, and with it comes a new Call of Duty League Season. The League has recently released the first ruleset of the season, giving players the new map pool and restricted items. The professional players have also been adding items to the the Gentlemen’s Agreement list, which is a list of items that all players agree not to use due to balancing issues.

The first set of GAs were early in the game's release. The MTZ-556 is the only primary weapon GA'd outside of the ruleset. Currently, players are testing no sniper rifles, but that is still in the testing phase.

Within the past week, new agreements have been put in place not to use any knives or muzzles that increase melee damage to do 1-hit kills.

Aditionally, Assault Rifles must use a red dot sight and cannot use the High Grain Ammunition attachment. Surely within the next two weeks before the CDL season begins players will continue testing items and making changes to the GA list.

Updated on 11/22/2023 7:00 PM EST

Official Call of Duty League ruleset v1.0

Map Set

  • Hardpoint

    • Invasion
      Sub Base

  • Search & Destroy

    • Highrise

  • Control

    • Highrise


  • Primary Weapons

    • MW2 Weapons: Restricted
      Assault Rifles

      • Holger 556: Restricted

      Battle Rifles: Restricted
      Shotguns: Restricted
      Marksman Rifles

      • M1 Grand: Restricted
        SVT-40: Restricted
        G-43: Restricted


      • Pulemyot 76: Restricted
        DG-58 LSW: Restricted
        Holger 26: Restricted

      Marksmen Rifles

      • KVD Enforcer: Restricted
        MCW 6.8: Restricted
        DM56: Restricted
        MTZ Interceptor: Restricted

  • Secondary Weapons

    • MW2 Weapons: Restricted

      • RGL-80: Restricted

  • Attachments

    • MW2 Weapons Attachments: Restricted

      • Silencers: Restricted: Restricted
        Suppressors: Restricted

      Lasers: Restricted

      • Thermal: Restricted
        Night Vision: Restricted


      • Low Grain: Restricted
        Round Nose: Restricted
        Mono: Restricted
        Spire Point: Restricted
        Hardened: Restricted


      • Burrow 500 Drill Charge: Restricted

  • Tacticals

    • Shock Stick: Restricted
      Decoy Grenade: Restricted
      Stim: Restricted
      Snapshot Grenade: Restricted
      Tear Gas: Restricted
      Flash Grenade: Restricted
      EMD Grenade: Restricted

  • Lethal

    • Proximity Mine: Restricted
      Molotov Cocktail: Restricted
      C4: Restricted
      Claymore: Restricted
      Thermite: Restricted
      Throwing Knife: Restricted
      Drill Charge: Restricted
      Thermobaric Grenade: Restricted
      Throwing Star: Restricted
      Breacher Drone: Restricted

  • Field Upgrades

    • Tactical Camera: Restricted
      Inflatable Decoy: Restricted
      DDOS: Restricted
      Deployable Cover: Restricted
      Munitions Box: Restricted
      Loadout Drop: Restricted
      Portable Rada: Restricted
      Tactical Insertion: Restricted
      Recon Drone: Restricted
      Smoke Airdrop: Restricted
      Suppression Mine: Restricted
      Anti-Armor Rounds: Restricted
      Heartbeat Senor: Restricted
      Comm Scrambler: Restricted
      Med Box: Restricted
      A.C.S: Restricted

  • Vests

    • Engineer Vest: Restricted
      Demolition Vest: Restricted
      CCT Comms Vest: Restricted
      Overkill Vest: Restricted

  • Gloves

    • Scavenger Gloves: Restricted

  • Gear

    • Control Comlink: Restricted
      Bone Conduction: Restricted
      Blacklight Flashlight: Restricted
      L/R Detector: Restricted
      Threat Identification System: Restricted
      Data Jacker: Restricted
      Signal Jammer: Restricted
      Hijacked IFF Strobe: Restricted
      Ghost T/V Camo: Restricted

  • Streaks

    • Restricted:

      • UAV
        Mosquito Drone
        SAM Turret
        Bomb Drone
        Care Package
        Counter UAV
        Cluster Mine
        Precision Airstrike
        Mortar Strike
        Overwatch Helo
        Juggernaut Recon
        VTOL Jet
        Emergency Airdrop
        Advanced UAV
        Chopper Gunner

Modern Warfare 3 Gentlemen’s Agreement v0.3

Anything not banned in the ruleset, but agreed upon by professional players not to use.


  • Longbow: GA'd

  • KV Inhibitor: GA'd

  • DG-58: GA'd

  • FR 5.56: GA'd

  • Holger 556: GA'd

  • MTZ 556: GA'd

  • WSP Stinger: GA'd

  • COR-45: GA'd

  • TYR: GA'd

  • Secondary Melee: GA'd


  • Smoke Grenades: 1 smoke player per team in SND

  • Mounting: Restricted

  • Default Character Skins must be used

  • Snipers: 1 sniper per team in SND

  • AR Weapons: Must have a sight attachment

  • SAE Killstreak: Temporarily restricted due to the ping glitch


  • Any that increase bullet damage: Restricted

  • Any that hides player from minimap: Restricted

  • Any Muzzle that increases melee damage: Restricted

  • Renetti - Jak Ferocity Carbine Kit: Restricted

  • Thermal Sights: Restricted

  • Any Trigger that increases fire rate: Restricted

  • Akimbo: Restricted

  • AR Weapons: Must have a sight attachment

  • High Grain Ammunition: Restricted


  • Battle Rage: Restricted

  • Scatter Mine: Restricted

  • Allowed for Play: Smoke Grenade, Flash Grenade

Game Settings

  • Hardpoint

    • Game Setting

      • Time Limit: 5 minutes
        Score Limit: 250 Points
        Match Start Time: 30 seconds
        Skip Infil: On
        Input Swap Allowed: Off
        Allow Callout Pings: Off

    • Advanced

      • Points per kill: 0 points
        Points per death: 0 points
        Headshot Bonus Points: 0 points
        Killstreak Kill Bonus Points: 0 points
        Time to Capture Zone: Instant
        Zone lifetime: 1 minute
        Initial Zone Activation Delay: Off
        Zone Activation Delay: Off
        Next Zone Reavel Time: 10 seconds
        Zone Location Order: Linear
        Scoring Method: Constant
        Pause Time on Zone Captued: On
        Objective Team Spawn Delay: Off

    • Player

      • Number of Lives: Unlimited
        Max Health: 150
        Health Regeneration: Normal
        Enable Armor: Off
        Third Person View: Off
        Tactical Sprint: On
        Weapon Mounting: Off
        Allow Revives: Off

    • Team

      • Spectation: Player View
        3rd Person Spectating: Off
        Killcam: Off
        Enable Minimap: Yes
        Radar Always On: Off
        Weapon Pings on Minimap Enable: Off
        Weapon Pings on Compass: On
        Ememy on Compass: Off
        Respawn Delay: 2.5 Seconds
        Wave Spawn Delay: None
        Suicide Spawn Delay: 1 Second
        Force Respawn: On
        Team Assignment: On
        Friendly Fire: On
        Team Kill Punish Limit: Off

    • Gameplay

      • Force Same Loadouts: Off
        Care Package Drop Time: Off
        Spawn Camera: Off
        Hardcore Mode: Off
        Spawn Ammo Mags: Normal
        Headshots Only: Off
        Health Steal: Off
        Cranked TimerL Off
        Allow Field Upgrades: On
        Field Upgrade Charge Rate: Normal
        Field Upgrade Score Modifier: Normal
        Perks: On
        Killstreaks: On
        Round Retain Streaks: On
        Retain Streaks on Deaths: On
        Killstreak Delay: 10 seconds
        Persistent Streak Progress: Off
        Wrap Killstreaks: Off
        Killstreak Lottery: Off
        Equipment Delay: Off
        Equipment Protection: Off
        Battle Chatter: Off
        Announcer Dialog: On
        Dynamic Map Elements: On

  • Search & Destroy

    • Game

      • Round Time Limit: 1M 30S
        Round Win Limit: 6 Rounds
        Win by Two Rules: Off
        Win by Two Max Rounds: 8 Rounds
        Round Switch: Every Round
        Match Start Time: 30 seconds
        Round Start Time: 10 seconds
        Skip Infil: On
        Practice Round: Off
        Input Swap Allowed: Off
        Allow Callout Pings: Off

    • Advanced

      • Bomb Timer: 45 seconds
        Plant Time: 5 seconds
        Defuse Time: 7.5 seconds
        Multi Bomb: Off
        Silent Plant: On
        Reset Plant/Defuse Progress: On
        Manual Drop Carry Object: On

    • Player

      • Number of Lives: 1 life
        Max Health: 150
        Health Regeneration: Normal
        Enable Armor: Off
        Third Person View: Off
        Tactical Sprint: On
        Weapon Mounting: Off
        Allow Revivies: Off

    • Team

      • Spectating: Player View
        3rd Person Spectating: Off
        Killcam: Off
        Enable Minimap: Yes
        Radar always on: Off
        Weapon Pings on Minimap Enabled: Off
        Weapon Pings on compass: Off
        Respawn Delay: None
        Friendly Fire: On
        Team Kill Punish Limit: Off

    • Gameplay

      • Force Same Loadouts: Off
        Care Package Drop Time: Off
        Spawn Camera: Off
        Spawn Ammo Mags: Normal
        Headshots Only: Off
        Health Steal: Off
        Cranked Timer: Off
        Allow Field Upgrades: On
        Field Upgrade Charge Rate: Normal
        Field Upgrade Score Modifier: Normal
        Perks: On
        Killstreaks: On
        Round Retain Streaks: On
        Retain Streaks on deaths: On
        Killstreak Delay: 10 Seconds
        Persistent Streak Progress: Off
        Wrap Killstreaks: Off
        Killstreak Lotery: Off
        Equipment Delay: Off
        Equipment Protection: 5 Seconds
        Battle Chatter: Off
        Announcer Dialog: On
        Dynamic Map Elements: On