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Asim: “I’m still gathering my thoughts. I can’t believe they did this.”

November 14, 2023 9:29 PM

In an exclusive interview following his unexpected release, Asim spoke to The Stocksmen about his initial reactions, the rationale behind the Los Angeles Guerrilla’s decision, and his plans moving forward.

Ace: What was your initial reaction to the news of being released?
Asim - “I’m still gathering my thoughts. I can’t believe they did this.”

Ace: Can you share the rationale or explanation behind the decision to part ways with you and the team?

Asim - “Everything seemed stable. From what I saw, the roster we created had the best chance to win. Then, LAG hired (Veohhz) as a coach a couple of days ago. He was tasked with crafting the best team and decided to go a different direction. Clearly, his perspective differed from mine.”

Ace: What are your plans moving forward?
Asim - “I am going to compete in Challengers and see if any teams in the CDL are interested in picking me up as a substitute”.

Ace: Is there anything else you’d like to share or add?
Asim - “I've been in the gutter before. I can bring my stock up like I've done in the past. This setback is nothing but motivation."

The Call of Duty community will be closely following Asim's journey, eager to see how he navigates this unexpected chapter in his career.