This weekend, in the first CDL Minor Tournament, a Gentlemen's Agreement (GA) was broken when C9NY player Sib snaked in map 1 against the Carolina Royal Ravens. Carolina won the match 3-2, but it marked the first time a GA was broken in a pro match this season.
The expected punishment, based on a tweet from Ghosty, was for Cloud9 to be blacklisted from pro scrims for a full week. Behind the scenes, C9 was able to successfully plead their case, with pro teams coming to a consensus that C9 will be blacklisted from just 1 day of scrims this week.
C9's punishment for snaking highlights ongoing issues with the GA system. Most notably, the lack of consistency for teams and players who break GA's in official matches. This week, pro teams also agreed that future offenders will be punished with a minimum three-day ban from pro scrims.
Nonetheless, this agreement is an improvement and a step in the right direction. In MW3 (2024), 1st time GA offenders suffered the loss of a single match day warmup scrim.
📸 Photo by @C9COD_